Our young adults group is for people approximately between the ages of 18-25 looking to connect with other young adults from our church community! They spend a few nights together each month doing bible studies, outreach, and fun activities! This group is welcome to all whether looking for a deeper connection to your faith, hoping to meet some people around your age, or anything in-between.
Questions: Contact Pastor John at john@winkleremmc.com or 204-362-4126
– February 9th: Bible Study / Packing Care Packages
– February 10th: Deliver Care Packages to Winnipeg
– February 23: Bible Study @ 7:00 pm
– March 1st: Pizza Supper @ 6:30 and Special Guest Speaker, Harv Thiessen
– March 8th: Bible Study @ 7:00 pm
– March 22: Worship Night @ 7:30 pm