Outdoor Service & Church Picnic: Sept. 8, 10:30 a.m. Included will be a lunch of charcoal BBQ chicken, hotdogs, and fries. There will also be games and activities to follow. We are asking for those whose last names start with A-G to bring salads and for those last names starting with H-Z to bring dessert. […]
Sunday School Kick-Off: Classes for all ages! We are gearing up for the kick-off to a brand new Sunday School year on Sept. 15! We are looking for more people who enjoy spending time with children to help with Sunday School. For more information or to confirm your involvement, contact Shelly Harder (preschool) 204-362-0248, Nettie […]
Inviting Moms with their children to join us for registration/kick-off for Mom’s Morning Out: When: Thursday, Sept. 17; Where: The home of Mary & John Sawatzky, 14 Creekside Drive, Hochfeld; Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m. If you are unable to attend or want to register early, we will have a table set up in the foyer on […]
50+ Supper, Tuesday, Sept. 17, 5:30 p.m. Invitation to all seniors. Invite a friend. Come enjoy food and fellowship. We plan to view the “Winds of Change” drama, a video that was done in our church in 2007. A night to remember our church heritage. Please sign up on the sheets provided in the foyer. […]
TWR Canada Dinner, WEMMC, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 6:15 p.m. Come hear how God is using the world’s largest Christian media organization to transcend barriers to the gospel! To register contact: 1-88-672-6510 or events@twr.ca.
The WOW Bible Study is set to start Monday, Sept. 23, at 7:00 p.m. We will be taking a series by a wonderful teacher, Priscilla Shirer. The study is called Elijah–Faith and Fire and will help us stay strong in faith despite cultural decline using the life of Elijah. It is a 7-week study. If […]
WEMMC Thanksgiving Supper, Friday, Oct. 4, 6:00 p.m. On the menu: ham, mashed potatoes, and all the trimmings! If you enjoy baking pies, here’s your chance to contribute! Please sign up in the foyer to bring pies. Help is needed on Thursday for prep work at 10 a.m., Friday for food prep and table setting […]