Sunday Lunch: The Food Team is planning a fundraising meal, Sunday, May 26, following the service. On the menu is sausage, kielke, and cream gravy. Donations received will go to the Winkler EMMC Business & Administration Committee for audio-visual equipment and to our Mission Committee for their ongoing mission work. Whatever is not designated will […]
Sr. Youth Wind-up - Thursday, June 6, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.. Location: 14 Creekside Drive, Hochfeld. Bus transportation provided for those who want it. (Leaves the HUT at 5:45 pm, Leaves Hochfeld at 9 pm) Burgers, etc. provided for supper, games, fireside, Bomber game & more. NO cost. Bring a lawn chair if you’d like […]
Jr. Youth Wind-up-Monday, June 10, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.. ***Note: NOT on June 3 anymore*** Location: Stanley Park, Shelter 2. No transportation provided. If you need a ride, talk to a small group leader. Burgers, etc. provided for supper, games, fireside & more. NO cost. Bring a lawn chair if you’d like one.