Our Sunday School offers spaces for children ages 3 to grade 6 on Sunday mornings from mid-September to June. Activities begin at 9:00am while small groups wrap up at 10:20am, just before the morning worship service.
During Sunday School time we also offer classes for Jr & Sr High students, and adults of all ages.
Children who will be 3 years of age on/before December 31st, or students of any age who are new to Sunday School, should register. Registration papers are available at the Information Center in the foyer.
9:00 AM
Games (PreK & K-2)
Crafts (Grades 3-6)
9:20 AM
Large Group Activities* (PreK)
Crafts (K-2)
Games (Grades 3-6)
9:40 AM
Small Groups (PreK)
Large Group Activities*
(K-2 & 3-6)
10:00 AM
Crafts (PreK)
Small Groups
(K-2 & Grades 3-6)
Dismissal is at 10:20 AM (the worship service starts at 10:30 AM)
*Large groups activities include: praise & worship, Bible story & an object lesson or visual presentation